coffee and coffee beans

Can you use Instant Coffee in a Coffee Maker?

Everybody has those days when they wake up on the wrong side of the bed and have an uneventful start to the day. These days, instant coffee is all we need to satisfy our caffeine fix. While instant coffee is a terrific option, it’s sometimes the most gourmet.

Although adding instant coffee to your coffee maker might be a good idea to slightly enhance the flavor, you should do something else.

You shouldn’t use instant coffee in your coffee maker because it differs from ground coffee. When you need to brew ground coffee, putting instant coffee in your coffee maker will clog it up and cause problems.

Why is it unnecessary to use instant coffee in a coffee machine?

Adding water is all required to make instant coffee, which is typically already brewed. Instant coffee is dehydrated. You only need to add hot water to create a good cup of coffee.

Although instant coffee is far more convenient, fresh coffee will always be superior in quality.

Instant coffee contains dried coffee, so adding hot water will cause it to dissolve entirely. Since coffee machines are made to brew ground coffee, if you slowly drip hot water through instant coffee, some of the instant coffee grains may remain in your mesh or paper filter, and the hot water will not combine with all of them.

 The instant coffee in the middle dissolves without “brewing,” letting the residual water flow through your filter.

You can use spray drying or freeze drying to make instant coffee.

Coffee is sprayed into hot air at 480 degrees Fahrenheit to create spray-dried instant coffee, which instantly dries and crystallizes the coffee.

Regular coffee is cooked into an extract, cooled to freezing, and then vacuum-dried to create instant coffee powder. This process is known as freeze-dried instant coffee.

Mixing instant coffee while brewing is occasionally necessary, and a coffee maker does not allow it.

Using freshly ground coffee beans in a coffee machine is usually better. Your instant coffee will not taste better if you brew it in a coffee machine; however, it can taste worse.

How to make instant coffee the best way without a coffee maker

This should go without saying, but I’ll review how to brew instant coffee properly for those who believe using an instant coffee machine makes sense.

First, bring a kettle of recently drawn—not previously boiled—water to a boil. Unknown to most people, freshly drawn water tastes better than previously boiled water. This is a result of the fresh water’s higher oxygen content.

Next, measure out the desired ratio of coffee to water. If you have a larger cup, you can adjust this ratio to suit your needs. For every 200 milliliters of water, I like to use 2g or about one heaping teaspoon; the picture of a 200-milliliter water glass is shown below.

Pour the water over your instant coffee after that. One thing to remember is that boiling water should not be used. This is due to the possibility that the instant coffee can burn if the water gets too hot. The water should be at least 94 degrees Celsius or just below boiling. As soon as the water bubbles slightly, turn off the stove.

Finally, combine the instant coffee and water. Add as much sugar, whipped cream, milk, or toppings as possible. And just like that, you have instant coffee!

Why a French press is not the right place for instant coffee

Although it wouldn’t make sense, you could put instant coffee in a French press. Coffee is ground in French presses. Instant coffee powder would dissolve in the French press, rendering the mesh filter ineffective.

It would be simpler to use a coffee pot and follow the following measurements to produce a larger pot if you intend to make several cups of instant coffee. You may even leave it on the hot element of your coffee maker—shh, no one has to know! Using only a coffee maker to “make” instant coffee would be best.

If you have ground coffee, you should read this article to find out how to prepare the ideal French press coffee.

Why utilizing instant coffee in a Keurig is not recommended.

People mistakenly believe that K-cups are made of instant coffee because Keurig coffee makers brew coffee rapidly and as needed. In actuality, this is untrue.

A K-cup is a sealed container containing ground coffee. It is not OK to use a reusable K-cup pod to make instant coffee if that is what you are questioning. You would be left with a soggy mess since it couldn’t dissolve the instant coffee within the reusable K-cup pod.

We have a post covering my favorite 30 K-cup flavors if you want some delicious ones. If you own a Keurig, please check it out; you might be surprised by some of the options!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can an Instant Coffee Maker Be Damaged by Using It?

Instant coffee alters the beverage’s flavor; it does not harm the coffee maker. Compared to coffee grinds, instant coffee dissolves easily and leaves fewer traces. The remainder can be rinsed off by running hot water through the machine.

Is Using Instant Coffee in My Coffee Maker a Good Idea?

Although taste is personal, you can use the powder in your machine if you can use it to taste-test your instant coffee after preparing it in a coffee maker and find that the flavor and concentration are acceptable.

Can You Make Instant Coffee?

The only difference between brewed and instant coffee is how long it is stored. Since instant coffee powder concentrates previously brewed coffee, you cannot prepare a “fresh batch” of the beverage. If freshly brewed coffee were a steak, it would be comparable to beef jerky.

What Distinguishes Coffee Grounds From Instant Coffee?

Roasted coffee beans are ground into coarse, medium, or fine grinds through a coffee grinder. Brewing coffee comes from passing hot water through them. This is the basis for instant coffee, created by freeze-drying and dehydrating liquid coffee into solid granules.

Instant Coffee: Is It Bad?

Coffee lovers deride instant coffee in the same way wine experts deride boxed wine. But there’s a different quality difference between boxed and bottled wine than between instant and brewed coffee. 

Instant coffee isn’t all that horrible; it tastes extra-processed and doesn’t taste fresh. Since most cafés find brewing less expensive, it tastes different from what they offer! Indeed, instant coffee is created by giving up some of its freshness, but it’s still more handy than regular coffee.

Check out the Best French Press Coffee Makers here.

In summary

Instant coffee is a terrific substitute when we’re not in the mood to prepare coffee with beans. You don’t have to overthink things, though. It is as simple as adding instant coffee to water. To enhance the flavor of your instant coffee, you won’t need to use any form of coffee maker!

About the Author Leman Acosta
